They Grow Up So Fast
Updated: 2010-09-29 23:19:42
Store Projects Tools Techniques Videos Subscribe Renew Customer Service Woodworking Magazine Blog They Grow Up So Fast Posted 09 29 2010 in All Weblog Posts Workbenches I've had the title editor at this magazine for about five or six years now , and I've found that it is mostly a toothless position . I don't really control when your magazine arrives in your mailbox , the condition it is in or the tide chart in southern New . Jersey But there are a few things that I can rule with an iron fist but not when working on the powered jointer In our woodshop here in Cincinnati , I want you to build your own workbench . I don't care if you ignore my guidelines on the process though you will hear about it the entire time I don't care if you use pine , maple , ash or even foam core . But I want it to